Atlanta Braves 10 – Toronto Blue Jays 6
This will almost certainly be the last time that I see Bartolo Colon pitch, who I have sentimental thoughts of. Big Sexy is currently the last player still active in the major leagues who played for my Montreal Expos. — Attended by Warren Wilansky
Arizona Diamondbacks 2 – Atlanta Braves 0
Perfect Game: Randy Johnson Game Recap | Box Score An infamous late bloomer — who only really became the Randy Johnson we know in his late 20’s and had his best years in his late 30’s — it figures that he would pitch his first perfect game at the age of 40. The previous holder of the…
Atlanta Braves 2 – Montreal Expos 7
Game Recap | Box Score “Maddux was stunned. Raw rookies don’t homer off the great Greg Maddux, let alone blast the ball off his shoetops for a deep, deep moonshot. Atlanta manager Bobby Cox came out to the mound. His shaken pitcher handed him the ball, and was gone. Floyd’s monster drive sent the Big…